Hello again!
35 days until practice starts!!!! I thought I would take this chance to run you through our preseason schedule. While weekend activities vary from ropes courses to cheering on our Duhawk soccer team, the agenda that follows is what is consistent throughout the course of one week.

7:15-8:15AM -Strength Workout
7:00-8:00PM-Basketball Workout
8:00-9:00-One Tree Hill (we make sure not to schedule anything basketball related on this time slot!!!)

12:15-1:00-Team Lunch
4:00-5:15-Strength Workout
5:50-7:00-Basketball Workout
7:00-9:00-Study Table

7:45-9:00-Basketball Workout

2:30-3:45-Basketball Workout
4:00-5:15-Strength Workout
7:00-9:00-Study Table

There you have it…a typical preseason week for our team, aside from class of course. Our workouts are also planned around class schedules. If you are interested in joining us for any of our weekly routine, please let me know.

Best wishes as your school year continues! We look forward to sharing this season with you!

-Coach J 🙂